
The governance of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (PME) is made up of several parts:

The International Committee

The International Committee (IC) is responsible for administering the affairs of the Group, including oversight of the Annual Conference and of the Group’s finances. The IC has 17 members, including an Executive Committee consisting of President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. The President is elected for a 3-year term; other members are elected for 4-year terms, with four members replaced each year via election by the membership.

Annual General Meeting

Elections for President and new International Committee members take place at the Annual General Meeting (AGM), held near the end of each Annual Conference. In addition, proposals for major decisions are presented, discussed and voted on at the AGM. A Policy Meeting is held for open discussion of issues during the week prior to the AGM. If a PME member would like to bring up a proposal or issue at the Policy Meeting, he/she should send an e-mail describing the issue to the Administrative Manager (via “Contact Us”), the President, or the Secretary of PME (for more details see “Path to AGM”).

Path to AGM Forum

In order to provide time to discuss issues and possible proposals for the AGM, the Path to the AGM Discussion Forum was created. If a PME member would like to suggest a specific proposal, he/she should e-mail it to the Administrative Manager (via “Contact Us”), the President, or the Secretary of PME (for more details see “Path to AGM”). It will be discussed within the I.C., at the Policy Meeting, and/or in the Path to the AGM Forum. If the proposal has support from the membership and the I.C., specific language will be crafted for the final proposal and posted on the Forum for additional discussion before being brought to the AGM.


The organization is governed by a constitution that specifies the procedures for elections, voting on proposals and other details. The constitution can be changed only via a vote of the membership at an Annual General Meeting.